Services Application Dates
Bursaries for School Levels (Primary to JC / Pre-University) 15 Jan 2025 – 11 Feb 2025 CLOSED More Info
Bursaries for Diploma, Undergraduate & Postgraduate Degrees 1 Aug 2025 – 29 Aug 2025 CLOSED More Info
Scholarships  2 June 2025 – 20 June 2025 CLOSED More Info
School Top Up Fund 20 Dec 2024 – 27 Dec 2024 CLOSED More Info
Research Grant by 30 June every year CLOSED More Info
Other Grants  All year round More Info
Community Programme / Event Funding Contact Us
Other Educational Financial Needs Contact Us


Application Period: 

School Level:  15 Jan 2025 – 11 Feb 2025

Diploma, Undergraduate & Postgraduate Degrees: 1 – 29 Aug 2025

Common Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Singapore citizen, or either parent is a Singapore citizen (for applicants below 21 years old).
  2. Applicants must NOT be concurrently holding any other institution-administered or organisation bursaries / scholarships in the same academic year.
  3. Schools include government-aided schools, independent schools, specialised-independent schools and specialised schools
  4. Diploma & University: Students receiving the Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS) may apply.
  5. Students in local polytechnics, autonomous universities, LaSalle and NAFA are encouraged to apply for the Higher Education / Higher Education Community (HE / HEC) and institutions’-administered bursaries. Please visit your institution’s websites for more details.
                                                                                                                     Documents Required
All Levels: Additional Documents for School Level:
1. Applicant’s NRIC / Birth Certificate 1. Parents’ NRIC
2. Payslips (or official letter indicating gross monthly income) of working family members 2. Proof of school acceptance (Ez-link, FAS letter etc.)
3. CPF Contribution Statement of unemployed family members 3. Zakat Letter (Applicable to Muis Zakat beneficiaries only)
4. Income Tax Statement for self-employed family members Additional Documents for Diploma & University Level:
5. Death / Divorce Certificate / Court Letter (If applicable) 1. Applicant’s Payslip/ CPF Contribution Statement (For Part-Time Students only)
6. Student Pass / Matriculation Card

2. Letter of confirmation of student status* (e.g PEI, Student Portal etc.)

*Note: Offer letter is not accepted

7. Latest Examination Results
8. Bank Statements


Apply Now

To login and review your draft or submitted application, please click here. Please ensure to key in the mobile number that is provided in the form.


Category Level Criteria Exam Results PCI / GHI Quantum
MOE Schools


JC / Pre-University

Schools recognized by MOE Pass $1,400 / $5,600



The Muis Madrasah Bursary



Pre-University / Diploma / IB

Zakat Recipient 60% and above for Arabic & Islamic Studies subjects NA $3,300
Non-Zakat Recipient PCI $500 and below $1,500
Non-Zakat Recipient PCI $500 – $1,400





Category Criteria PCI / GHI Quantum
Diploma (Ukhrawi) Full-time studies ONLY

$2,000 / $8,000

Diploma (Polytechnic) Full-time studies ONLY $1,250
Private Institution Diploma (Secular)

1. Full-time studies ONLY.

2. Minimum study period of 2 years.

(For a study period of less than 2 years, applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis)


Category Criteria PCI / GHI Quantum

Bachelor’s Degree

Secular & Ukhrawi

1. Part-time studies – local-based institutions only.

2. Full-time studies – local institutions & overseas.

Singapore: $2,000 / $8,000



Overseas: $2,250 / $12,500

Part-Time: $1,300

Full-Time: $2,500

Masters Degree

Secular & Ukhrawi

1. Part-time studies – local-based institutions only. Applicants will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

2. Full-time studies – local institutions & overseas.

Part-Time: $1,600

Full-Time: $3,000


Secular & Ukhrawi

Full-time studies ONLY – local institutions & overseas. Full-Time: $3,000

Apply Now



Application Period: 2 June to 20 June 2025



Common Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Singapore Citizen
  2. Good record of community involvement
  3. Full-Time Studies only 

Please email any enquiries to enquiries@lbkm.org.sg.

Documents Required
1)   Recent passport-sized photograph 7)    2 Referee Reports
2)   NRIC / Passport 8)    Mission Statement
3)   Letter of acceptance / enrolment from university 9)    Research Proposal

(for Postgraduate Students Only)

4)   Latest examination results 10)  Publication(s) if any
5)   All academic transcripts 11) Financing Documents: Bank Statement / Recent Payslip / Letter of Sponsorship, Grant, or Award
6)   All certificates obtained

– All documents which are not in English must be accompanied by an official certified English translation.

– All documents are to be submitted in soft copy.

Level of Study Category Criteria Quantum
Postgraduate Prestigious


1.      Full-time studies

2.      A good Honours degree

Selection will be based on Course of Study, Research Topic & Research Supervisor.

Applicants pursuing Islamic Studies may also apply under this category.


Postgraduate Merit [ NOT OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS ]

Applicants who do not fit the criteria of the Prestigious category, but are meritorious, may be considered by the selection panel for the Merit Scholarship.

Postgraduate PPIS-LBKM


(1 scholarship per year)

1.    Female student

2.    Full-Time studies

3.    Part-Time studies, applicable for local institutions only

4.    Eligible fields of study:

·         Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)

·         Women’s Studies

·         Gerontology

·         Geriatrics

·         Community Work

·         Any relevant fields as endorsed by the selection panel

Postgraduate Alla’udin-Masjid Khalid Scholarship 1.      Full-Time studies

2.      Pursuing research in trust, confidence and security building in diverse communities

3.      Eligible fields of study:

·         Defence Technology and Systems

·         Cybersecurity

·         Strategic Studies

·         International Relations

·         Other relevant fields endorsed by the selection panel

Postgraduate Alami-Rukaiyah


(Not offered in 2024)

1. Certified Ustaz / Ustazah under Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS)

2. Secured admission into MSc (Asian Studies) Programme at S Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) of Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

3. Must select 4 courses on Interreligious Relations offered in the above MSc Programme

4. Course of Study may be Full-Time / Part-Time

Level of Study Category Criteria Quantum
Undergraduate Prestigious


Applicant must be studying at the Top 10 World Universities ranked by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings & QS World University Rankings

2024 University Rankings:

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2. University of Cambridge

3. University of Oxford

4. Harvard University

5. Stanford University

6. Imperial College London

7. Princeton University

8. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

9. University of California, Berkeley

10. Yale University

11. University College London

12. ETH Zurich

13. National University of Singapore (NUS)


Undergraduate Merit [ NOT OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS ]

Applicants who do not fit the criteria of the Prestigious category, but are meritorious, may be considered by the selection panel for the Merit Scholarship.

Undergraduate Iconic Scholarship 1. Undergraduates in local/overseas universities

2. Results: GPA representing at least 75%

3. Eligible Field of Studies:

Field of Study Name of Scholarship
Community Work / Sociology / Social Sciences The Che Zahara Noor Mohamed Scholarship
Islamic Studies The Kiyai Hj Ahmad Zuhri Mutammim Scholarship
Law The Professor Ahmad Ibrahim Scholarship
Malay Language & Literature The Muhammad Ariff Ahmad Scholarship
Arts / Music The Zubir Said Scholarship
Business / Finance The Ambo Sooloh Scholarship
Mass Communication The Tan Sri Dr Abdul Samad Bin Ismail Scholarship
Political Science The Mohamed Eunos Abdullah Scholarship
Medicine The Dr Hafeezudin Sirajuddin Moonshi Scholarship
Undergraduate Future Economy Scholarship

(STEM fields)

1. Undergraduates in local/overseas universities

2. Results: GPA representing at least 75%

3. Eligible Field of Studies:

·      Information Systems Technology & Design (Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Infocomm Technology, Cyber / Information Security, Digital Media, Data Science)

·      Biomedical Sciences

·      Energy & Chemical Engineering

·      Engineering Systems & Design

·      Engineering Product Development

·      Other future economy courses

Undergraduate PERGERAQ

Al-Qur’an & Qira’at Scholarship

  1. Madrasah undergraduates in recognised universities.
  2. Pursuing an Islamic Studies degree majoring in Al Quran e.g. Bachelor Degree in Al Quran and Sunnah
  3. Results: GPA representing 75%
  4. Optional: Pursuing certification in Tahfiz/Talaqqi/Qiraat locally or abroad.
  5. Good interpersonal skills




This grant will be assessed based on the significance of the research or project, and the potential impact and /or relevance to the Malay/Muslim community and the wider public in Singapore. The grant is awarded on a competitive basis based on merit.

Application Period: Closes on 30 June each year

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Research projects and publications on the Malay/Muslim community in the areas of education, socio-politics, economics and culture – an original piece of research, the first of its kind or a build up from past research.
  2. Individuals pursuing higher degrees (Honours, Masters, PhD, etc.) and are required by their studies to conduct research work are not eligible to participate.
  3. Individuals, groups or organisations may apply.

For groups, the names and relevant details of each member are to be included in the application.

  1. Research projects that have been completed at the time of application are not eligible.
  2. Recipients of grants from other organisations may apply.


$10,000 one-off grant disbursed either in full or 50% upon approval and a subsequent 50% upon completion.

Terms & Conditions

The recipient is required to undertake and acknowledge that the research was supported by LBKM and to notify LBKM if it is presented or published elsewhere. Upon completion of the research, the grant recipient will submit one hard copy of the research document as well as submit a 200-500 word summary of key findings and present these findings to LBKM.

In Review

In Review




    Application Period: 20 Dec 2024 to 27 Dec 2024


    Based on the fundamental belief that no child should be disadvantaged in his or her pursuit of education, the LBKM STUF assistance will be providing every student under the scheme a $20 EZ link top-up monthly, on top of the MOE FAS transport credit.


    • Primary, Secondary and JC/Pre-University students in MOE Schools.
    • Household Per Capita Income (PCI) does not exceed $750.
    • Students are receiving the MOE FAS.
    • Students must be taking public transport to school.



    Secular Schools


    Polytechnic – Diploma

